These plans may include the following:
The Employer is required to perform annual nondiscrimination testing at the end of each plan year. It is highly recommended that Employers also perform Predictive and Mid-Year testing to reduce the risk of a testing failure.
The e-file is due 7 months following the end of the plan year.
Please read these Notes carefully based on your answers.
Someone from our team will be in touch with you shortly to discuss your compliance needs
Must distribute to:
When to Distribute?
There is a potential compliance risk with a wrap document due to the fact that you are required to provide wrap documents to participants within 90 days of participation to comply with ERISA: otherwise, you could have a penalty liability. Failure to furnish plan documents to the DOL upon request can cause a penalty of $159/day (but no greater than $1,594 per request).
The potential penalties can include salary reductions or other benefits of the plan provided to highly compensated employees or key employees to be taxable.
A Premium Only Plan (POP) is the simplest form of a Section 125 cafeteria plan. A POP does not include language specific to Group Term Life, HSA or Self-Funded plans. If needed, please go with the Section 125 plan document instead of the POP.
The potential penalties can include salary reductions or other benefits of the plan provided to highly compensated employees or key employees to be taxable.
A separate annual report (i.e. Form 5500) is required for each plan. However, a plan sponsor could combine all of its employee benefit arrangements into one plan utilizing a wrap plan and it would then report all of those arrangements under one Form 5500.
Plan Types that are required to file a Form 5500:
The IRS penalty for late filing of a 5500 series return is $50 per day. The DOL penalty for non-filers (those who have never filed) is between $300 per day and can run up to $2,233 as of January 2020. These penalties can be reduced significantly to as little as $2,000 for one plan for one year or $4,000 cap per plan for one year if the Employer files late under the delinquent filer voluntary compliance program (DFVCP).
When determining ALE status, consider the entire controlled group of employers. For example, Employers A, B, and C are part of a controlled group because they have a common ownership. Employer A has 15 Full-Time equivalent employees, B has 30, and C has 20. Individually, these are small employers, however, collectively, they are an ALE, and all three employers must file 1094/1095-C forms.
There are multiple penalties regarding Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting: